Words of Encouragement!

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can." ~Unknown

Sunday, October 26, 2014

So after many months... years of weight loss struggle, I do have a thyroid problem. I've been struggling to get my numbers right and ended up having several surgeries to fix issues caused by Hypothyroidism.
If you are also struggling with Hypothyroidism, please research foods to eat and not to eat as well as taking your medicine. Synthroid has not worked for me. It did get my T4 where it should be but I still felt all of the hypothyroid symptoms. So how is it really helping me?
When I moved in June, it took forever to get medicines transferred and refilled. During this time I adjusted my diet to eat things that help speed a sluggish thyroid and stopped eating things to slow the thyroid further. I also found out you can massage your thyroid into functioning better! Hey, I was willing to try anything since I didn't have any medication. Now mind you, I was on 125mg of Synthroid.
I finally saw a Nurse Practitioner. We did my blood work. After being off of my thyroid meds for three months, My thyroid was considered to be in a high but normal zone! WHAT?! SO the diet change and massaging the thyroid was working?! She did finally agree to give me the lowest does of AMOUR thyroid (natural pig thyroid) to take along with the other things I am doing. I've lost some weight! This is great! I'll be having my blood work done again very soon. I'll get to see how the new meds are working.

1 comment:

Getting healthy said...

New meds are working great for me!! The lab numbers are where they should be!! 6 Month check up scheduled! I have successfully lost weight and keeping it off!