Words of Encouragement!

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can." ~Unknown

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Day 17?

Surgery day I weighed in at 227.8 today I'm 218! Still nauseous but holding food down! (If you call jello food!)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

2 days post-op

It doesn't seem like it's been 2 days. Probably because I've been sleeping it away. I've been extremely nauseous and have been dry heaving like crazy. I can't seem to talk without getting nauseous so I've not answered my phone. The anti-nausea meds they gave me make me sick. I took my antacid pill this morning and so far I'm keeping it down. I've mixed up a clear protein drink for me to try today. I even have a measuring cup so I don't drink more than an ounce every 20 minutes. I'm praying this part ends soon.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tomorrow is the big day!!!

I'm excited and yet very nervous!!! I'm hoping all will go well!!! 

Day 13

I can wear a belt!!! I have to or my pants will fall down! 😉

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Down 2 more!!

Down 2.2lbs!!! Yesterday was so hard to deal with!!! Today gives me a little boost to keep going. Not as miserable as yesterday.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Today is so hard!!!! I got the kids pizza for supper as a treat and its torturing me!!! Lord give me strength!!! 😫 You can tell by my picture I was miserable today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wk1 with out make-up

I posted my week one with my make up however here's my picture without make up see you can still see how it is affecting my skin. I know with some diets, when your body is drained of nutrients your skin and hair can suffer. I am posting my pictures without make up so you can see if it does have an effect on my skin.

Week 1 check in!!!

Let the record show I have lost 10 pounds in one week! If you count since February I have lost a total of 23 pounds!

No picture or post yesterday

I did not do a picture or post yesterday because I had a severe migraine. I can only assume that it was because my body is detoxing from the sugars and fats. Today, I feel much better although exhausted and my head feels bruised from the head pain. But today is a better day.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Waited too long

I waited too long this evening to eat. Not a good idea when I'm the one that has to make food for everyone and I'm making one of the foods I love. I need to keep telling myself, "It is worth it! It is worth it!!!"

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Down another 2lbs!!

I'm hungrier this evening. I even cheated and ate a cheese stick. Since it didn't satisfy, I went back to my protein bar.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 3

I've stayed full most of today, but what's better is I've lost 5 lbs in 4 days. (Heck yes I'm counting the scope day!) I am drinking a protein kook-aid drink before bed. My tummy is rumbling a bit and again I've stayed up too late.

Friday, November 7, 2014

End of day 2 Medifast

I really need to start a regular eating schedule. I am not hungry by the time the next meal rolls around. (Which is great so I don't feel hungry all the time!) However, since I'm not hungry, I put it off until I start getting s headache, light headed, and tummy grumbling. The dietician warned us about this for after surgery, so I need to get on a schedule now so I can safely lose weight.

First day on Medifast

I kind of started on a bad note since I had to take my daughter to a doctors appointment and we didn't get home until after lunch time so I didn't have breakfast. Lunch a snack then dinner and a snack it kept me full for a while because of the protein, but because I still have trouble with sleeping (stay up too late), I ended up being hungry as I was laying in my bed to go to sleep at 2 o'clock in the morning. That might not of been the case if I would've gone to bed at a decent hour. Overall the food tasted good I would definitely suggest using broth in place of water, which was approved by the dietitian. It just gives the food a more rich gratifying flavor. Moving forward I will plan to go to bed earlier even if I have to take a melatonin or an Ambien.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The last day...

Today, will be the last day (at least for a while) for many things. For example: no more Coke for at least 4 months (the carbonation and caffeine) as well as the sausage biscuit I am about to consume.